Private Feldenkrais® Sessions for Children

Feldenkrais method helps children with:

The Feldenkrais method can help children with:

Developmental delays

Motor difficulties

Posture, balance


Sensory issues

“If a child isn’t doing certain things, he or she may not yet have the necessary experience that will lead to doing those things. Feldenkrais practitioners aim to provide those missing experiences, understanding that each child is unique.” Developing the Whole Child.

The Feldenkrais Method is designed to support and accelerate our innate ability to learn through experience. This is especially true when it comes to working with children. When a child is struggling with motor skills or has developmental delays, trying to correct their movement or otherwise force a change is both cruel and unproductive.

Development is a natural process and if a child cannot proceed further, that means they don’t yet have the necessary skills and self-knowledge to discover the next step on their own. Such discovery cannot be forced, but it can be supported by providing feedback through gentle touch and subtle movement. This feedback helps a child’s nervous system fill in the gaps in their self-knowledge, and continue to develop.

This process is more effective and less stressful than traditional interventions that often encourage a child to fight with themselves, by trying to imitate a movement or posture for which they don’t have the necessary foundation. This fighting often reinforces the difficulty instead of solving it. And even if a child succeeds by force, that rigor and struggle get integrated in everything else they learn from that point forward.

What to Expect in a Private Feldenkrais Session for Children

During a Feldenkrais session, I choose a position that is comfortable for the child (sitting or lying down) and use gentle touch to provide non-intrusive feedback to the child’s nervous system. This feedback helps a child discover easier, more functional ways of moving, which leads to better overall functioning: improved balance, coordination, and self-regulation.  All these changes happen at the level of the nervous system and integrate naturally, without the need to reinforce them through tedious repetition.

Throughout the session I make sure that child is comfortable and at ease both physically and emotionally. I encourage parents and caretakers to read books or play games with their children, offer snacks, sing songs or talk with their children about something pleasant.

Unique Benefits of Feldenkrais for Children

Addressing Emotional and Behavioral Issues

Feldenkrais sessions can help address emotional and behavioral issues. A unique advantage of this work is that child’s behavior can improve without trying to correct it directly. Many children struggle with paying attention in school or getting along with parents and peers because they don’t feel at ease. Feldenkrais sessions help a child fell more at home in their body, releasing unnecessary tension and improving overall balance and self-regulation. A child who is well-regulated can relate to themselves and others from the place of ease and comfort. Parents appreciate that their children are calmer, more patient, and happy to spend more time on activities that used to tire them out.

Supports Natural Development

Supporting children in growing on their own terms is a more effective and at the same time more gentle approach. I focus on helping each child become more aware of well-integrated skills and abilities they already have so that they can discover new possibilities in the way that is most natural for them. Their authentic discoveries integrate faster and they can build on top of them well beyond the time the session is over.

Lasting Impact Without Repetition

With Feldenkrais, the changes that children experience integrate naturally, which means there’s no need for repetitive, tiresome exercises. I love watching these positive shifts take root in a way that’s truly sustainable, helping children feel better and move more freely long after the session ends.

Gentle, Child-Centered Approach

In each session, I take time to meet every child where they are and make sure that they are comfortable and at ease. My focus is always on supporting them in gaining the most benefit without force or imposition.

Schedule consultation to explore how the Feldenkrais Method can support your child’s unique needs

Private Feldenkrais Session:


Zoom Class:


Ten-Session Package:

$1,600 (great for those looking to commit to ongoing work)

Private Session at Your Home:

Starting at $250 (final price depends on travel distance)

Cancellation Policy

Your time is valuable, and so is mine. To ensure fairness, please note the following cancellation policy:

Less than 24 hours:

50% of the session cost

Less than 2 hours:

Full session cost

Contact me!